LPP is currently seeking individuals suffering from specific conditions (as listed below) to participate in a clinical research study. Those who qualify for participation find it rewarding to help further the scientific advancement of medications/medical devices for present and future generations suffering from the same condition(s). Importantly, LPP consists of physicians who possess years of experience in their respective discipline to oversee your care throughout your study.
No medical insurance required and you may be compensated for your time and travel. All studies made available to you by LPP have undergone a stringent protocol review by our Chief Medical Officers to make sure we believe there is potential benefit to the individuals in the communities we serve. LPP encourages you to contact us to determine whether you qualify for research studies in the following areas:
- Diabetic Foot Ulcer
- Venous Leg Ulcer
- Peripheral Arterial Disease with Neuroischemic Ulcer
- Heel Pain/ Plantar Fasciitis
- Bunions
- Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
- Toe Nail Fungus (Onychomycosis)